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Bestselling Author Tamara Gill

In the Duke of Time (Paperback)

In the Duke of Time (Paperback)

"A great read that does not disappoint!" -Amazon Reviewer

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Chapter One Look Inside

Evie raced into her room that Lady Lupton-Gage was so generous to offer her this Season. Her maid sat on the settee, a small leather valise by her feet and Evie's reticule in her hand.
"Is everything prepared?" she asked, stripping out of her wedding gown before the door had closed. Her maid stood and helped her out of the blue silk and tulle she had worn to celebrate her marriage to Lord Bourbon, but she could not remain with the blaggard.
Not after what she had seen, only two hours after saying, “I do.” Evie seethed and fought not to curse at his pitiful excuse of a way to explain his actions. No excuses in the world could make what she had seen forgivable.
Her friends and family would be disappointed she annulled the marriage, but she would not be. Lord Bourbon ought to be glad she had not disclosed his disgraceful actions to the ton. To endure a lifetime of his unfaithfulness would not be borne.
"Here, Miss Hall, let me help you into the traveling gown."
Evie stepped into the gray traveling dress, shuffling it over her body and giving her back to Faye so she could button her up. "The carriage should be waiting on Davies Street as you asked," Faye advised.
Evie swallowed her nerves at what her actions would mean. Running away from one's wedding breakfast was scandalous indeed, not to mention she would be shunned from society from this day forward for acting without thought to her reputation.
But then, the image of Lord Bourbon rutting Lady Compton, the widow to the Earl of Compton, in Lord Lupton-Gage's library was a future she could not stomach. How could he? To think she could have had a future with a man who pretended to love her but in truth did not. Was he using her to top up his already significant fortune?
Evie thanked Faye when she handed her a cream spencer. "Lady Lupton-Gage and Arabella will be distracted with the guests for some time, and if we're to leave, we must do so now."
"The staff is presently serving the guests in the ballroom, Miss Hall, so if we slip out the back parlor door and follow the garden path to the side yard and out the gate hidden in the ivy, no one will see. The carriage you hired will be but a few steps down the road. I'm certain of it."
Some of the nerves that Evie suffered calmed at her maid's reassurance. It was imperative they leave London today. She was an heiress, married or not. Lord Lupton-Gage had thankfully ensured she remained in control of her fortune no matter whom she married. No matter the scandal and her ruin, at least she would have financial security. But she could not remain with an unfaithful husband.
How blessed to have had a wealthy, long-lost relative leave her his fortune. A fortune that, with intelligent investment by her London relatives, had grown to an amount that made even her eyes water.
They started downstairs, and true to Faye's word, no other staff was about. "I shall write a letter to my steward, Lord and Lady Lupton-Gage, and Arabella on the road and explain everything." She would seek help from Lord Lupton-Gage in how to secure an annulment. She had not consummated the marriage, therefore, surely, that was enough to be free of him.
"What if Lord Bourbon comes after you, Miss Hall? Will he not grow angry at what you have done?"
The quiver in her maid's voice gave her pause, and she offered Faye a comforting smile. "All will be well," she said. "Once Lord Lupton-Gage knows of what transpired today, what I saw, he will ensure Lord Bourbon is nothing but a bad memory. They may be shocked by my decision, but it is for the best." London had turned out to be a disappointment, and in truth, Evie would be glad to leave it behind. The politics, the false friendships, and the men who refused to give up their mistresses and whores. How could she have been so blind to his deceitful charm?
Laughter carried out into the foyer from the ballroom as they made the last staircase step. Evie quickened her pace, all but running toward the back parlor.
They were almost free of the house. The doors to the gardens beckoned, and with one last look at the spacious, grand home she had come to adore as much as Lord and Lady Lupton-Gage, Evie and her maid slipped into the gardens undetected.
Relief swamped her several minutes later as the hired carriage she ordered came into view and waited for her on Davies Street.
"Miss Hall," the driver said, tipping his hat.
Faye opened the carriage door, and Evie climbed inside. Faye placed their traveling valises on the floor and joined her. Without waiting for her approval, the carriage lurched forward, and they were on their way.
"And the driver knows we're headed north? That we're to go as far as the horses will carry us before changing the team?"
"Yes, miss. We shall soon be out of London and on our way." Her maid paused, looking out the window, and Evie could see the concern etched on her brow.
Evie reached out and patted Faye's hand. "All will be well. I have enough money to last several weeks, and we're only going to Scotland. I'm certain I should be able to find a small manor house that I can lease and live in quite comfortably. You may agree to stay or return to London. I know Scotland may not be to everyone's taste, but I wish to be away from here. I'm not made for this society. It is too high in the instep, and heiress or not, the nobility look down on me due to my upbringing and past employment."
"I understand, miss. But I think Scotland will be an adventure for you and me. I shall like to stay and assist you if you would let me."
Evie would be lying if she did not admit to the relief coursing through her, knowing she would not be alone. The driver had been paid and agreed to take them as far as Aberdeen, so they would have his protection until then.
All would be well. She had nothing to worry about and soon would be settled in her new home, far, far away from Lord Bourbon and his unfaithful heart.

After changing horses at Hertford and Bedford, the carriage finally rolled to a stop before a posting house in Huntingdon. Evie wiped the tiredness from her eyes and looked out the window. The day was drawing to a close, the dew settling on the ground. They had traveled all day, making good time, but the horses would need to be rested overnight.
Their driver opened the door and tipped his hat. "Miss Hall, we'll need to stay here for the evening. I need to eat and sleep for a time before we can move forward. There will be rooms here to let. I shall stay in the stables. I'll send word to you when I'm ready to continue the journey in the morning if you're willing."
Evie nodded, wanting out of the carriage in any case. How many days would it take for them to travel to Aberdeen? A significant amount of time, she would guess, and already her bottom was feeling far from elated by her decision.
"Thank you, George. I think that is just the thing." Evie alighted into the inn's yard, stretching as best she could before heading indoors to secure a room.
A bath and a good, hearty meal were just what she needed. Once she had completed those necessities only then would she sleep.
She entered the inn and was greeted by the innkeeper and his wife, who welcomed her warmly. "A room, please, a meal and bath if that is not too much trouble."
"Of course, miss…" the innkeeper said. "Would you like a separate room for your maid?"
"Yes, thank you. And my driver will be staying in the stables. Please ensure he is also given a meal."
"Of course. ’Twould be our pleasure," the older lady said with a smile.
It was only a short time before they were ensconced in their rooms, the innkeeper doing all he could to ensure their stay was enjoyable.
Evie walked around the room, taking in the worn furniture that was otherwise clean and well-placed. She glanced out into the inn's yard and watched as the horses that had brought them from London were unhitched and led toward a nearby stall.
A tall, cloaked gentleman trotted into the yard, his arrival pulling the attention of all those within his vicinity. Evie, too, could not stop watching him. His moves were graceful as he dismounted and led his horse to a waiting stable lad who all but bounced with excitement when offered a coin for his troubles.
"Oh, he's a handsome gentleman, miss," Faye murmured at her side, her attention too fixed on the man.
Evie would not disagree, nor would she tell her maid aloud that she thought the same. She may have once been of the same class as Faye, but that was no longer the case. As an heiress already skating on thin ice due to her actions in London, she needed to remain proper and not bring any undue scandal or gossip in her direction.
"Another traveler, heading north or south, I suppose." Just then, a light knock sounded on the door, and several maids started delivering buckets of steaming-hot water.
"I shall bathe and then rest," she informed Faye. "Due to the length of travel we have before us, you are more than welcome to do the same. You do not need to remain here on my account. I know you too must be exhausted."
"Oh, thank you, Miss Hall. I would like to sleep if you're sure," Faye said.
Evie escorted Faye out of the room before shutting and locking her door, finally enabling them finally to rest for the remainder of the night.

Nothing overpowers the bitter taste of betrayal faster than forbidden love…

Lady Evie Bourbon should be happy. Sadly, her deceitful husband made that impossible. Escaping to Scotland seemed like her only option. It was just her unfortunate luck that she was attacked by highwaymen along the way. What remains to be seen is if the man who came to her rescue and offered to protect her—for a fee—is the hero of her story, or just another villain…

The Duke of Ruthven is an honorable man, but also a practical one. So, he’s not ashamed of asking a damsel in distress to pay for his services. What he never intended to do, however, was fall for the lovely Evie’s charms. But through the quaint villages of England and misty lochs of Scotland, that’s exactly what he does…

If Evie and the Duke have any hope of claiming a happily ever after, they’ll have to confront the demons of his past…and her present. In the end, will they defy the odds and prove that love can triumph over betrayal?



254 pages


4.25 X 7



Publication Date

February 27, 2025


Tamara Gill

Main Tropes

  • Betrayal and Escaping a Bad Marriage
  • Damsel in Distress
  • Rescuer Falls for the Heroine
  • Forbidden Love
  • Road Trip Romance
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